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The festival of Curiosity – what to expect and why you should go this July 2018

21 June 2018 · < 1 min read
A women enjoying the Festival of Curiosity in Dublin

At The Alex Hotel Dublin we love what’s off the bidden track and The Festival of Curiosity is the perfect example of unique and intriguing festivals that Dublin can offers. Imagine cutting-edge art and science meeting for a weekend and invite you to look at the world differently. This is what the festival is all about, experiencing and discovering through interactive exhibitions and performances.

Every year, there are about 45,00 people visiting the various venue across the city centre. The event program is packed with art and science activities, innovative technology and cultural performances.

The new 2018 program is not released yet at the time we are writing but you can check out this page. Meanwhile, here is what kind of events to expect:

Futurist fashion

Last year, 6 Irish fashion designers were chosen to work with a team of mentors from Ireland, the UK and Canada to design creative cutting-edge dresses an outfit for a unique show.


Interactive Art

They take the word interactive art literally which means you are invited to participate in the creation like with this colouring room last year at Temple Bar Gallery.


Spectacle and screenings

For the kid, spectacles are to be expected and for adult, screenings followed by questions and answer session. They’ll keep everyone happy!



Fun day ahead with Pop-up playground, giant bubble, Lego activities, face painting, yoga…etc all organised in parks and various venues.


Sounds like fun right? The Festival of Curiosity will take place from Thursday July 19th to Sunday July 22nd, 2018. All events are free and located in the city centre, we look forward to our neighbour The Science Gallery delighting us once again with a late-night event.

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